Dailies 4/2/18

~TRIBRACH: Poetry Diary~

Leonora Speyer – Snow in April

I watched the blind attack,

The white invade the green,

I saw the green strike back,

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Ellen Bass – I Could Touch It

When my wife was breaking apart, my son was falling in love.

She lay on the couch with a heated sack of rice on her belly,
sometimes dozing, sometimes staring out the window at the olive tree

as it broke into tiny white blossoms, as it swelled into bitter black fruit.

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Daily Quote:

“That’s the way it is with poetry: When it is incomprehensible it seems profound, and when you understand it, it is only ridiculous.”

-Galway Kinnell 



Lynne Knight – Living with Fog

In the famous cemetery, the souls of the famous dead
swirl their tombstones at night—thin fog of the city,
some say, dismissing the notion of afterlife, of rising

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Dorothea Lasky – Agatha

They are not real
She said from the cellar
And slowly unveiled
The flat scope
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Dailies 11/12/17



Reginald Dwayne Betts – For you: anthophilous, lover of flowers

For you: anthophilous, lover of flowers,
green roses, chrysanthemums, lilies: retrophilia,
philocaly, philomath, sarcophilous—all this love,
of the past, of beauty, of knowledge, of flesh; this is
catalogue & counter: philalethist, negrophile, neophile.
David R. Slavitt  – Zweig

Versuchsstation für den Weltuntergang? In English,
a laboratory for the end of the world. It was,

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Sharon Chmielarz – Happiness
He hadn’t been drinking, not for a Long Time, but things
were very very and she feared a slip and the puzzling remarks
on the radio that morning, a man parsing genes like a tax
collector, 40% you’re stuck with, 60% can go either way. Not


Poetry Diary: A pineapple was left out in our house for too long and now we have fruit flies. 😦 

Wendell Berry – Before Dark

From the porch at dusk I watched
a kingfisher wild in flight
he could only have made for joy.

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Dailies 1/27/17: another day of slant rain, dreams about houses, & a rather beautiful poem about being heavy. Plus: how to be happy



Lines Written at Tyrone Guthrie – Neil Shepard 

Tyrone Guthrie Arts Centre, Ireland

Another day of slant rain
that comes in sheets and obliterates
the landscape for minutes of time
and yet there are spaces between

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Our Next Home – Margaret Hasse

I keep dreaming of houses. Last night
I walked through a bungalow with a realtor
who read aloud from a book of poems
called Real Estate. The utterly white paint

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Happy the Man – John Dryden


Happy the man, and happy he alone,
He who can call today his own:
He who, secure within, can say,
Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today.

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Heavy – Hieu Minh Nguyen

The narrow clearing down to the river
I walk alone, out of breath

my body catching on each branch.
Small children maneuver around me.

Often, I want to return to my old body
a body I also hated, but hate less

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